Meditation is being in silence. Free from the constant unending stream of uninspiring and irrelevant… »

Free meditation classes in and around Perth
Meditation is being in silence. Free from the constant unending stream of uninspiring and irrelevant… »
The benefits of attending a regular group meditation Attending a regular group meditation is a… »
Wake up each day to a life-transforming, inspirational quote from this collection of hundreds of aphorisms by Sri Chinmoy.
“There can be nothing
As beautiful as
My heart’s meditation-garden.”
Sri Chinmoy
SRI CHINMOY PUBLISHED OVER 100,000 POEMS. Watch videos of his poetry read by seekers around the world.
Anyone can learn to meditate and enjoy the boundless benefits of learning to connect to our spiritual self.
About Sri Chinmoy Spiritual Music on iTunes Flute Music… »
Feeling really stressed? Many people want to know how they can meditate when they are… »
Thinking and meditating are two totally different things. The aim of meditation is to free… »
Since ancient times, meditation and walking have gone hand in hand. The sages and pilgrims… »
Gifted ultra-distance runner Grahak Cunningham offers advice on how to combine meditation with running. We… »
A Selection of Sri Chinmoy’s Books Here is a small selection of books and music… »
You have decided you would like to learn how to meditate. Now, which type of… »