Embark on a journey of inner peace and self-discovery with our free meditation classes in… »

Free meditation classes in and around Perth
Embark on a journey of inner peace and self-discovery with our free meditation classes in… »
Meditation Classes at Murdoch University: Free Sessions at Lunchtime Are you a student or staff… »
Meditation is a spiritual practice that has been around for thousands of years and is… »
The year is hurtling by so now is the time to inspire yourself to learn… »
A free series of meditation classes and sessions in Perth City
Ellenbrook Arts is hosting some free meditation classes at their main gallery at 34… »
“If we practise meditation daily,
rest assured that the problems of our life,
inner and outer, are solved.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Meditation is being in silence. Free from the constant unending stream of uninspiring and irrelevant… »
Anyone can learn to meditate and enjoy the boundless benefits of learning to connect to our spiritual self.