Claremonts Typika Artisan Roasters, Oxford Streets Cranked Cafe and Health Food Enterprises Natures Harvest in Cottesloe and Nourish and Flourish in East Morley are hosting an exhibition of paintings dedicated to peace by Indian artist Sri Chinmoy. He painted whilst in a meditative mood and the colourful abstract pieces aim to inspire and uplift the viewer. “The art aims to encourage the idea that we are all part of one family with the message that if we feel more peace within ourselves we can spread this idea to others.” said organiser Grahak Cunningham. “All enterprises were receptive enough to support the idea of art and peace and let us display the art which we are very grateful for. Morley, Leederville, Claremont and Cottesloe represents places of cultural diversity, living together as one in peace and this expands on that message.”
Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007), believed that creative pursuits were a positive way of spreading peace. He called his abstract art Jharna Kala which means Fountain-Art in his native Bengali, describing the creative capacity he feels that everyone has within. His paintings have been exhibited at Parliament House Canberra, Princess Margaret Children’s Hospital and the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Birds were his favourite symbol for peace, he painted over 16 million of them in his lifetime. “If one lives a life of peace,” he poetically said, “one is ever enriched and never impoverished.”
None of the art is for sale and interspersed amongst the artwork are comments on the exhibition from humanitarian leaders, including Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev and Desmond Tutu.
The café in Typika has some amazing wall and street art inside but this is one of the first exhibits to utilize the large hanging space available. “In my almost three years as manager this has been the first framed exhibit we have had,” said manager Jayden Capelinha. “We are happy to give artists a platform. It not only brightens up the area but for me peace is important especially in the current times. We need to appreciate the worlds diversity and to come together for peace.”

It is also Nature’s Harvest first art exhibit but adds to the plenty of inspirational quotes they have up in their iconic health store. “For me peace is to love and serve,” said owner Hamen Chavda. “Even when we love ourselves more it connects you to others and something greater and that to me is a glimpse of peace.”

The art is on display until April 7th 2022